What Is Cloud Hosting?
Cloud hosting may be a strange thing to most people to say the least. It has brought about the new buzz in these current times that are comprised by overwhelming technological advancements. As a matter of fact, the speed at which technological advancements are popping out in almost all sectors is quite confusing. It has become almost impossible for people to get familiar with all the new software, gadgets and other additions being made in the markets. However, what most people don’t know is that they do cloud hosting every other day. If you are wondering how, read on. You have a Gmail account right? Well whenever you check your e-mail via Gmail or even share photos through sites such as Flickr, you are already hosting from the clouds. Cloud hosting is primarily defined as anything that’s seeks to deliver hosted services via internet. These kinds of services are categorized under three main areas namely:
1. Infrastructures as a service
2. Software as a service
3. Platform as a service
A cloud hosted website would therefore be described as one that uses several servers as opposed to using a single server. This makes provides it with unlimited processing power unlike what happens when one uses the dedicated of shared hosting. As the concepts get clearer with passing years, cloud hosting is growing from being a business concept to one of the greatest growing segments in the Information and technology sector. As such, cloud hosting has quite a number of attached benefits. The first lies in the fact that with cloud hosting, you necessarily don’t need to sweat it trying to rent out a server or better still, a shared server space. Rather than relying on power from a single server, one is given access to quite a good number of these servers that are usually connected through visualization.
The cloud can either be private of public. A public cloud is where services are sold to anyone on the internet while a private one is where the network or the data center supplies the hosted services to some few selected people. At the moment, the largest public cloud provider is Amazon web services. A situation where a given site is under stress is one good example of where a cloud hosting set up is much needed. Such stress on a website is in most cases brought about by shared hosting on regular basis or an expected burst of popularity. The moment a given site exceeds the limits of an individual server that it is on, you can be sure to have it chocked. With the said set-up one gets access to several servers hence the chances that their site will get chocked are eliminated by all means. To sum it all, cloud hosting gives you some added computing power whenever you are in dire need of it. What makes it better is the simple fact that, you will only for what you use. This makes such services quite affordable to many website owners.
Other than the cost efficiency feature, the scalability is also a great advantage. This makes load balancing as well as upgrading of hardware quite easy. Better said, this kind of hosting ensures that one can carry out expansion on their websites with minimal restrictions. As a matter of fact, the hassles and bustles of shifting a given site from a server that is shared to one that is dedicated can be nerve wrecking. The thoughts that you website can crash when a sudden surge arises are even more nerve wrecking. Just to be on the safe side when all this happens, it would make sense if you settled for this kind of hosting.
Features such as redundant data storage as well as lower pricing features are also some great advantages. In essence, data is usually backed up several times to see to it that, its availability in the event of a hardware failure is guaranteed. With these services, you can smile knowing that, data security is given at all times. If you are searching for guaranteed server resources such as CPU and Ram, you now know the way to go. If you are in a mission to enhance your RAM or add to your website’s bandwidth to have room for increasing traffic loads, these services are most recommended.
As it is the case with all other services, cloud hosting has its fair share of disadvantages as well. However, one can clearly point out that, the advantages are much more than the disadvantages. The greatest disadvantage is the fact that security is a big problem. The companies offering the cloud hosting services are a quite a number. These include but are not limited to: cloud.bg, VPS Net, Cloud Computing, Sitecloud, HPC Host, Turnkey, and Cloud Hosting among others. Given that all listed companies will pride themselves in offering the best services; it is strongly advisable that one takes time to go through them all. Take time to enquire about their certification as well as their levels of experience, if you want to get value for you money. Their services should be quick and some that will surpass your expectations at all times.
Make sure that the company you pick on has been licensed by the relevant bodies in your area of residence. You can get recommendations from previous users such as friends and relatives to get hold of the best. Such recommendation helps you avoid major blunders that can see you get sub-standard cloud hosting services. From such recommendations, they also get a chance to settle on the services at the least possible price, hence making considerable savings. The various companies also avails to you a list of clouds to pick from throughout the globe. This includes Europe, United States of America and Asia among many others countries. Remember that, the company you pick on should be dependable, for you to eliminate the chances that you will get disappointed at anyone time. This is the only way to ensure that you do not get mediocre services at any given period.